Tuesday, October 10, 2006

October 11

Martin O'Malley, during 1999 mayoral campaign:

"If police officers break the rules, then together we must have the political courage to discipline or prosecute our own police," O'Malley said. "And if our officers are justified in their actions to protect our citizens, then together we must also have the political courage to back them up."

Mr. O'Malley, what happened to your political courage ??? I cannot think of a police department on the East Coast which breaks the rules more freely than yours.

The City Paper concludes that O'Malley's claim about crime "just isn't true" and investigates how public school children have been used to advance his political campaign.

Court of Appeals lawsuit

At issue: can the City of Baltimore circumvent public disclosure laws by using a dummy corporation, such as the Baltimore Development Corp. ?

10% of Baltimore murder victims are minors.
Juvenile murdersare going through the roof. Nonfatal shootings of minors are up 13%. The District of Columbia declared an emergency, but it's business as usual in Baltimore, a national disgrace.

Philadelphia, awash in juvenile homicide, has only about half our rate. Philly Inquirer laments 'where's the love' as murder rate rises. See the Inquirer's youth violence webpage.

The Daily News runs a useful letter to the editor on the mindsets of Philly A and Philly B.

FYI: parolees in Philly rose 15% in two years to 8,864. Our analogous figure (parole+mandatory supervision) is about 4,054 (keep in mind we're much smaller than philly). Baltimore's (supervised) probation population, however, is up around 12,000, many of them drug-related.


Blogger Almond Smash said...

What did you expect from O'Ms statement? There is no such thing as "political courage".

Maybe he meant moral courage, but you have to have some morals for that.

October 13, 2006 8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iknew a southwestern police det. personality for a very long time and belive me there alot of misconduct that goes unreported sometimes i really wanted to know why they are so overpaid

March 16, 2007 10:00 PM  

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